Use "it is immaterial|it be immaterial" in a sentence

1. When it happened is immaterial.

2. It is immaterial whether he stays or leaves.

3. When it happened is immaterial; I want to know why it happened.

4. It is immaterial to me whether he stays or goes.

5. The cost is immaterial.

6. It tend towards from pure function to immaterial enjoy.

7. Since a dummy index just indicates summation, it is immaterial which symbol is used.

8. The condition of the car is quite immaterial as long as it works.

9. It is immaterial that his promise is far more valuable than the price he has asked for it.

10. To Boltwood, the scientific explanation is immaterial.

11. Provided that it is reasonable to incur the particular expense, however, it is immaterial that the expense may be very large.

12. Whether the book is well or badly written is immaterial - it has an important message.

13. If you sign a document, it is wholly immaterial whether you have read it carefully or not.

14. The fact that it had a happy ending was immaterial to me.

15. Whether we like him or not is immaterial.

16. It was immaterial to the customers who dealt with them on the telephone.

17. The nature of the seller's possession is immaterial.

18. Accrued salaries and allowances are immaterial.

19. I am an immaterial impalpable incarnation.

20. Ascertainable standard, it is immaterial whether the beneficiary is required to exhaust his other income before the power can be exercised

21. If the soul is immaterial, doesn't it follow automatically, trivially, that the soul can't be destroyed by a material process?

22. The body is material but the soul is immaterial.

23. That's quite immaterial to me.

24. The Birching is so conclusive that the film’s length is immaterial

25. The difference in our ages was immaterial.

26. These facts are immaterial to the problem.

27. Bedrocks: an immaterial thing upon which something else rests

28. An Averment that alleges something unnecessary is an immaterial Averment.

29. The content of the mathematics qualification to them is immaterial.

30. Whether one agrees or disagrees with this contention is immaterial.

31. Persons, for Descartes, are mental or immaterial thinking substances.

32. Basis: an immaterial thing upon which something else rests.

33. Animism definition is - a doctrine that the vital principle of organic development is immaterial spirit.

34. Kiarostami's films often reflect upon immaterial concepts such as the soul and afterlife.

35. Of course you could also be looking for work at home, where the ability to travel to and fro is immaterial.

36. Immaterial Averment is a statement of unnecessary particulars in connection with and as descriptive of what is material

37. What one would have believed in certain circumstances is equally immaterial to what one should now believe.

38. Synonyms for Bodiless include ethereal, immaterial, incorporeal, formless, metaphysical, insubstantial, nonmaterial, nonphysical, discarnate and spiritual

39. After studying, we find there are many reports about grass culture in material and immaterial, but it has not been formed a unitary system.

40. This may make any savings you anticipate by remortgaging immaterial in the long run.

41. That being so just like the chess computer, there may be no need of hypothesize some spooky substance, some immaterial substance.

42. It is the world of the celestial spheres, crossed by the soul in its Astral body on the way to being born and after death, and is generally believed to be populated by angels, spirits or other immaterial beings.

43. They are called Appoggiature, immaterial in the tapestry of musical notes, yet giving life and form to the

44. The idea of a self as an immutable essential nucleus derives from the idea of an immaterial soul.

45. In the immaterial society, the interactive interface design has to not only meet the needs of users to function, but also let users utilize it simply and enjoyably .

46. The general opinion was that comets were immaterial, spiritual portents sent by the Creator as warnings about impending momentous events.

47. The network marketing system is the competition ability of the hard mimicry of the company with can obtain income of immaterial assets.

48. I think you would say that the details,(Sentence dictionary) important to the sufferer are immaterial to the state of mind.

49. The Cogitative power is a comparatively little-known topic in Aquinas’s philosophical psychology. Yet it is of great importance, since it constitutes the bridge between the embodied external senses and the imagination, on the one hand, and the immaterial intellect and universal reason, on the other.

50. At last, the author compares incorporeal property with immaterial assets, and concludes the differences of these two conceptions in connotation and extension.

51. 18 Use a pagestack to indicate a group of functionally identical pages whose navigational properties are immaterial to the macrostructure of the site.

52. Commodification and the pricelessness of human organs Contrary to the above, Cohen holds that the specific purpose behind selling an organ is immaterial: Even when that organ would save a life or would buy a precious gift and food enough for two years, it would be wrong to sell it.

53. An Apparition of a person or thing is an immaterial appearance that seems real, and is generally sudden or startling in its manifestation: an Apparition of a headless horseman.

54. Bargle, on the other hand, challenges Argle’s materialism by introducing two further plausible positions, namely, that holes exist and that such holes are immaterial objects

55. This paper analyses the problems in the management of capital assets and immaterial assets in colleges and universities, and discusses the countermeasures of how to strengthen assets management.

56. Tozer titled this chapter "Apprehending God," but our question is "How?" It is a chapter about faith and reality — a faith that works equally well in the reality of the material and immaterial worlds, and particularly a faith that brings you face to face with a …

57. In his view, ‘it is immaterial, for the purposes of ascertaining whether or not it is compatible with Article 9 et seq. of the Treaty [now, after admendment, Article 23 EC et seq.], that a charge is applied to imported products at the time when they enter the territory of a region which is not on the borders of the State, rather than when they cross the frontier’.

58. The belief that natural objects, phenomena, and the universe itself have desires and intentions (in the philosophies of Plato and Pythagoras) the hypothesis that there is an immaterial force that animates the universe Derived forms of Animism animist…

59. It is living; it is digital; it is designed, and it can be crafted.

60. Concubinage, at the present day, the state, more or less permanent, of a man and woman living together in illicit intercourse.In its strict sense it is used of those unions only in which the man and the woman are free from any obligation arising from a vow, the state of matrimony or Holy orders, or the fact of relationship or affinity; it is immaterial whether the parties dwell together or not

61. 2 days ago · Bechdel's quest for this elusive secret leads her not just through a succession of fitness fads and exercise exploits, but into the more immaterial realms of creativity, loss, desire, addictive

62. It must be sincere, and it is best when it is simple.

63. Bodiless: 1 adj not having a material body “ Bodiless ghosts” Synonyms: discorporate , disembodied , unbodied , unembodied immaterial , incorporeal without material form or substance adj having no trunk or main part “a Bodiless head” Synonyms: bodyless unbodied having no body

64. Bearing in mind that the European market is in fact saturated, national and regional authorities must prepare Europe's citizens for a change of emphasis from material growth to improved immaterial welfare alongside the already high level of affluence (health care, education, environment).

65. Let it be, let it beLet it be, let it Bewhisper words of wisdom:Let it be

66. It is taken for doctrine, but can it be that it really is dogma?

67. Baulk (noun) the area on a billiard table behind the balkline; "a player with ball in hand must play from the balk" Baulk (noun) something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress

68. It must be noted that in Coercion, it is

69. It is an ominous silence; it must be broken.

70. It would be correct if it is written as - Admittedly

71. It is appropriate to disagree, but it is not appropriate to be disagreeable.

72. It is possible to cleave to it permanently , even to be driven mad by it.

73. As long as it is with you, it will never be lost

74. It may well be possible, but it is ATC or weather changes...

75. It is insulting to what we do and it may be sacrilegious.

76. It is highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be.

77. The more carefully it is studied, the more complex it is seen to be.

78. Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't

79. It is moot whether it should be treated as metaphor or not.

80. It is still Appallingly ill thought out and it will be grossly